Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Sagittarius - https://t.co/GMu9rIna16 #horoscopes #astrologer #astrologyreading…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

Sagittarius - https://t.co/GMu9rIna16 #horoscopes #astrologer #astrologyreading #energy #astrologyforecast #life… https://t.co/7E20KKoZUU

* This article was originally published here

Daily Horoscopes: January 1, 2020 - https://t.co/TcpJckBfbj #spirituality #life…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

Daily Horoscopes: January 1, 2020 - https://t.co/TcpJckBfbj #spirituality #life #career #predictions #lifepath… https://t.co/x5h4Ef9jtU

* This article was originally published here

The Plant Based Bodybuilding System - High Protein Vegan Recipes

Happy 2020!! - https://t.co/6MSsuj0dn8 #tarot #numerologist #selfimprovement…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

Happy 2020!! - https://t.co/6MSsuj0dn8 #tarot #numerologist #selfimprovement #spirit #psychic #consciousness… https://t.co/qVPN3yqZqu

* This article was originally published here

Abundance is About More Than Just Money

Some people equate financial success with abundance. Having enough money is a significant part of abundance, but there’s much more to it. Abundance is a mindset and a belief system. It’s a way of viewing the world, the people in it, and yourself. It’s making the decision to believe that the universe will provide, as […]

* This article was originally published here

Ace of Swords - https://t.co/HCZWl4sxwj #numerology2020 #spiritual #spirit…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

Ace of Swords - https://t.co/HCZWl4sxwj #numerology2020 #spiritual #spirit #numerology #loa #spirituality #angels… https://t.co/p5jSJe4jj3

* This article was originally published here

Zox Pro Brain Power Training, Accelerated... - https://t.co/sOINrD52te…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

Zox Pro Brain Power Training, Accelerated... - https://t.co/sOINrD52te #inspirational #personaldevelopment… https://t.co/9wXwT4W1dT

* This article was originally published here

Increase Pitching Velocity - 3x Pitching

Being Psychic In Today's World with Psychic Paolo Doro -…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

Being Psychic In Today's World with Psychic Paolo Doro - https://t.co/l5rbDJ5l9D #lifepath #self #energy #awareness… https://t.co/29DUc9lu23

* This article was originally published here

30 Reminders To Read If Your 2020 Resolution Is To Join A Gym

1. Don’t start big just because your friends or everyone else is lifting big. Start small, it’ll be easier to maintain the routine and there’s a much smaller chance you’ll injure yourself.

2. If you are unsure how to do an exercise correctly – for the love of god ask. Most people are friendly and will help.

3. Nobody cares what you look like at the gym. You shouldn’t be discouraged by feelings that people are going to judge you for being too fat/thin at the gym. The entire purpose of the place is to build a healthier body. If anything I always looked up to the really out of shape people who would come in and work out hard. It’s incredibly motivating to see.

Besides that – even if someone does judge you for being fat or skinny at the gym.. their opinion probably isn’t worth much if that’s how they think.


The most important part of working out is consistency. If you fucking hate the mornings, but decided to change your life and force yourself to wake up and go, you’ve already lost. Sure maybe the first week you force yourself to wake up, and that next Monday too. But then Tuesday your alarm goes off and you go, “Fuck, I’ve been good, I’ll take a day off.” You tell yourself you’ll go tomorrow and you do! But then Thursday and Friday it happens again.

Surely you’ll get back to it next week. The start is hard, but you’ll get it. But it happens again and you only make it two days that third week, then one the forth. And by mid February, you are paying a subscription service for something you no longer do. But you don’t want to cancel your membership because that would be quitting. Giving up on yourself.

So you have to find a time that works for you. The gym is always a zoo at 5:00 p.m., and it’s even worse at the start of the year. If you hate people, DO NOT GO BETWEEN 5-6 P.M. Go at 9 p.m. shower then hop in bed. We all know you’re full of shit when you say you go to bed early and then watch The Office for 3 hours. Or go at dinner time, when less people are there. Maybe it’ll help your diet too since you won’t be cramming your face from 7-9 p.m.

On the other side, if you need the motivation of others, go when people can be there with you. If you are a morning person, trying to go at night will crush you.

The time you choose is as important as anything else. It’s more important than what you do there. Because consistency is what matters. Walking in the doors of the gym everyday is the hardest obstacle in fitness. Don’t set yourself up for failure before you even begin.

5. Don’t trust Instagram bodies. Enough said.

6. Please don’t use the weightlifting benches as a place to put your stuff while you work out. There aren’t usually many benches in a gym, and it grinds my gears when I see people using the benches to hold their water bottles/keys/wallets/phones while they do routines that never once have them use the bench.

7. A lot of gyms offer complimentary training sessions when you sign up for a new membership. Take them up on their offer! Their trainer can show you how to use the equipment and give you a “how to work out” tutorial. My gym offered 3 free training sessions, the first one I used has a how to and the next 2 were intense work outs to see if I wanted to keep using a trainer.

8. Don’t wear an obnoxious amount of perfume or cologne. It’s a gym, we’re all supposed to stink a bit when we leave. I hate it when I have to get off of cardio equipment because the person next to me is doused in perfume and I can’t breath.

9. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DO NOT DO YOUR WORKOUT IN FRONT OF THE DUMBBELL RACK. Please take your weights somewhere else so others can grab the weights they need.

10. Wipe down the equipment when you are done.

11. Dress appropriately. Don’t wear jeans and a collared shirt. If you’re going to do cardio because you want to lose weight, and you are a man, DO NOT WEAR COTTON UNDERWEAR. You will get brush burn on your Johnson. It will hurt. Get synthetic underwear.

12. WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE YOU GO TO THE BATHROOM AND BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE GYM. Gyms are fairly dirty. Most people wipe down machines but not everyone does. There are things you will get on your hands that you don’t want on your genitals or in your mouth. Be vigilant with your hygiene when becoming a gym goer.

13. Drink water. Drink lots of water.

14. Wash your gym clothes after each use. If you worked out properly, they are disgusting and need to be washed.

15. It’s okay to miss a day here and there. Just because you miss your Tuesday workout doesn’t mean you have to wait until next week so your week can be perfect. Miss your day and get back at it.

16. Don’t do curls in the squat rack! Just don’t do it.

17. Don’t be an ego lifter. Putting on too much weight, screaming while you lift, then letting the weight crash back down, all to draw attention to yourself. If you can’t set the weight down in a controled manner, it’s too heavy for you. You’ll just end up hurting yourself, hurting someone else, or damaging the equipment.

18. Those of us that are there frequently know who puts the work in. You could be fat, skinny, fast, slow, or anywhere in between. If you work hard, people will notice, and they’ll respect you for it.

19. If you’re coughing or sick, stay home.

20. If you’re a man – DO NOT OGLE WOMEN WORKING OUT.

I’ve literally had to scream at a man “WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU WANT?”, after he wouldn’t stop staring me for 15-20 minutes of my workout.

21. If you’re on a cardio machine (e.g., treadmill) that has a posted time limit, make sure you’re off it in less time than that, especially if the gym is crowded. Other people may be waiting for that machine even if they’re not making it obvious by standing next to you.

22. Don’t see going to the gym as a chore. You have to enjoy it.

23. Diet is THE most important thing, arguably more important than the exercise.

24. Bring a goddamn towel.

25. Aimed at guys – please remember that 90% plus of women who go to the gym are there to work out, they aren’t there looking to get picked up. If you are having to interrupt someone’s workout and asking them to remove headphones so you can try to chat them up, it’s probably not going to end well for you.

26. Don’t overdo it on your first week. Don’t workout until complete exhaustion. Set a reachable goal and then increase it as the days and weeks go by.

27. Get some headphones.

28. Wear deodorant.

29. Re-rack your weights. Don’t leave your weights on the bar. After you are finished, return the weights.

30. The really huge intimidating looking guy squatting half the plates in the gym is probably pretty friendly and the most likely guy to help you out and offer you good advice. TC mark

* This article was originally published here

SkyCode Horoscopes for November 18-November 24, 2019 - https://t.co/j9BVMkfbfT…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

SkyCode Horoscopes for November 18-November 24, 2019 - https://t.co/j9BVMkfbfT #horoscope #energy #horoscopes… https://t.co/7v6KRF3ghf

* This article was originally published here

Sacred Magic - https://t.co/EOfQCF6JOK #numbers #2020 #self #forecast…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

Sacred Magic - https://t.co/EOfQCF6JOK #numbers #2020 #self #forecast #numerology2020 #angels #prosperity… https://t.co/kg5um8Pvcq

* This article was originally published here

Life Coaching Certification - Huge Conversions!

Sunday poetry: The Painted Face of God - https://t.co/TG54I9VWsS #career…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

Sunday poetry: The Painted Face of God - https://t.co/TG54I9VWsS #career #universe #life #predictions #love… https://t.co/Lt6LBzaPx6

* This article was originally published here

We Break Open, Not Apart

Many of us believe the most painful moments break us.

Part of that is real — pain breaks us, but not into pieces. We break open, not apart. We bare our feelings. We feel our colors and show our heart. We learn the most when we’re hurt because pain makes us vulnerable, especially to people. When we’re hurt, we take the most risks, try new things, rediscover ourselves, and search our soul because we need to place our grief. This is more than feeling like broken glass; this is a rebirth, an awakening, a lesson.

We also believe that to heal we need to focus on it but healing isn’t a choice—it just happens. You either slow it down or work with it but it never stops. When you hear echoes in your bones and feel the heaviness in your heart, remember you are still whole, even with the pain. The thing hurting us is it not the pain that makes us. It’s how we grow into it, grow from it, and move on from the gravity of the hurt.

This might be the most challenging time in your life, the hardest you’ve ever had to fight to stay above the water, but you have everything you need. You are everything you need. Pain is temporary, but nothing can take away your growth. Even if you feel like you’ve taken a few steps back, you still own how much you’ve grown. Your growth is always yours. No matter how unfortunate life gets, you don’t fall apart. You don’t need to go searching for yourself in places, things, or other people. Your true essence is always with you. We sometimes forget because of our external troubles.

Whenever you feel so lost that it hurts, remember that you are still here—you just need to be reminded that you are more than what you’re going through. TC mark

* This article was originally published here

SkyCode Horoscopes for November 25-December 1, 2019 - https://t.co/yqOfqL2qvm…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

SkyCode Horoscopes for November 25-December 1, 2019 - https://t.co/yqOfqL2qvm #predictions #energy #spirituality #2… https://t.co/nAuhRcxT2g

* This article was originally published here


Personal Development @selfimprovment


* This article was originally published here

Planetary news this week! The Winter Solstice turns the wheel -…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

Planetary news this week! The Winter Solstice turns the wheel - https://t.co/YElTES62j2 #astrology2020 #horoscope… https://t.co/p8u5YesJqs

* This article was originally published here

14 Jours Minceur // 14 Day Fat Loss Plan From Dr. K In French

Maybe Your Life Purpose Is Simply Learning To Be Your Authentic Self

Ive spent many days and restless nights pondering the mysteries of this world and the ever stretching universe that surrounds. I often find myself staring out into that star-speckled abyss in deep wonder. A feeling of searching draws me deeper towards the ocean of stars. I heard the question, “Who am I and what is my purpose?” I like to think many of us have this same deep sense of wonder.

As I’ve grown older, I look back on the different phases of my life. My interests have changed, my thoughts have changed, and the mirror keeps reminding me that yes, even my looks have changed, yet somehow I know that who I am has never changed. My environment, my jobs, my style, my habits, my thoughts, and beliefs, pretty much everything in my life has changed over the last 10 years, yet I am still me. And this lingering question has followed me through it all: Who am I and what is my purpose?

In my own head, I have a story of who I think I am. Others may have their own interpretation, but over my lifetime I have forged out a fairly well-defined sense of who I am. I have built a set of beliefs that have shaped my thoughts, my habits, and even the way I speak. People who know us associate certain qualities with our name—kind, positive, angry, calm, funny. Yet none of those things are who we really are.

One warm summer night, I was sitting out under the full moon, hypnotized by its luminous glow. A soft breeze gently ran across my body and I heard it whisper, “We are the same.” It was at that moment that I understood the truth that the moon had always been trying to show me. Just shine. That is all.

The moon is never trying to be anything other than itself, the perfect emanation that God had created it to be. The moon does not look at the other stars and say, “I wish I was more like Jupiter,” or “Why is that star so much smaller than me? Why does that star get to be over there why I am stuck here?” Simply put, the moon needs neither validation nor permission to be anything other than what it is. The moon knows that its purpose is to shine in all of its perfect beauty. The moon does not wish or need or feel inclined to do or be anything. It just is, and there is something so beautiful about that. When I started to look around with this same perspective, I noticed the same to be true about all of mother nature—the wind, the trees, the ocean, all of it, in its own place of harmony.

You may say that is a bunch of hocus pocus. The moon doesn’t have bills to pay, children to raise, and dishes to do. And yes, you are correct about that, but entertain this idea for a second. Take a moment to strip away all of the pieces of who you think you are. Get rid of your job title, take away your responsibilities, take away your beliefs, your physical appearance, even your name. Get rid of all of the things that you think make up who you are. What are you left with? Just you. That’s it. Just you. Your soul. Your true self, the one that is like the moon. A beautifully perfect emanation of God, exactly as you were created to be. And you are only created for one purpose… to shine. Just as God had always intended.

All of this other stuff is only an extension of who you truly are. We have been writing our story since the day we were born. We learned to love, to share, to be afraid, to stay quiet and even to hate. We’ve learned things like life is hard and money is the root of all evil. Boys don’t cry and women belong in the kitchen. You don’t deserve God’s love. No matter the life you were born into, you have undoubtedly been subject to all kinds of absurd, strange, and just outright wrong beliefs. Luckily, as we grow older, we begin to form our own belief systems, though they are not always any healthier.

When I began to analyze my life from this perspective, I realized that I carry around a whole lot of beliefs and thoughts that do not serve the quality of life I desire to live and are definitely not in line with the vibrational frequency of my true self.

This is the way I break it down to make more sense of it. Think of this as a waterfall.

At the very root, you have:

1. Your true self. This is the real you. Your soul. The perfect you that God created.

2. Your environment. What did your environment look like growing up and what does it look like now? Does it support your growth or keep you feeling stagnant?

3. Your psychology. Your Environment will forge your psychology, AKA your beliefs. Take time to reevaluate your beliefs and ask yourself, “Are these truly serving me and my higher self?” The way I check and balance myself is to ask, “Is this a belief that is rooted in God?” In other words, God is love, abundance, and infinite potential. If it is not rooted in this truth, then come up with a new belief.

4. Your emotions. Your beliefs will determine how you feel. If you think that the whole world is out to get you or that you don’t deserve to be loved, then you are going to feel pretty miserable most of the time. Change your beliefs and you will have better emotions.

5. Your decisions. When you feel bad, you make bad decisions. You make excuses, you play the blame game, and you come up with a million reasons other than yourself why life is bad. Feel good and make better decisions, because the small daily decisions will determine your future.

6. Your habits and routines. If I make the decision to smoke enough, it will eventually become a habit and that will develop into a routine. The same goes for exercising and even a simple smile to a stranger. If you make this decision enough, it will become a part of your life.

7. Life and death. All of the above will equate to how you lived your life and how you will die. As you can see when it is broken down like this, it all goes back to the source. You have to ask yourself: What kind of life do you want to live?

I truly believe that at the end of your life, only a few things will truly matter. How much you loved. How much you were loved and how much you regret. It is so easy to get wrapped up into the day-to-day scramble of hustle and bustle, but if we can slow down enough to look at all of the surrounding beauty that reminds us of our true nature — the moon, the stars, the wind, the trees, the birds, the ocean — then we can also retreat back to this place of truth that is rooted in the source: God. We can take back our power and write a new story for ourselves. One that doesn’t come from a place of control or fear, but rather a place that allows us to shine as our most authentic and true self. TC mark

* This article was originally published here

RLOVE Spiritual Dating App with Steffen Hoffman & John-Jacob Mubarak -…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

RLOVE Spiritual Dating App with Steffen Hoffman & John-Jacob Mubarak - https://t.co/cGgv4bEX3d #guidance #awareness… https://t.co/LeZF2NEsJF

* This article was originally published here

Joe Vitale Clearing Audio: https://t.co/4F1hStPZEQ #wealth #selfimprovement…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

Joe Vitale Clearing Audio: https://t.co/4F1hStPZEQ #wealth #selfimprovement #selfdevelopment #manifesting… https://t.co/DaDm7DUS1g

* This article was originally published here

NO LIMIT | 11 Minutes That Will... - https://t.co/RrAkyTCg7j #positivethinking…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

NO LIMIT | 11 Minutes That Will... - https://t.co/RrAkyTCg7j #positivethinking #successtips #inspirationalquote… https://t.co/a4Sg5DXLuv

* This article was originally published here

Pay-per-click Academy - Training,tools Plus Support!

Emulate Taiwan's rail success

Emulate Taiwan's rail success
LETTERS: ABOUT 43 per cent of Taipei’s residents use public transport. Malaysians can learn a lot from Taiwan if we want to achieve 40 per cent …

* This article was originally published here

Wealth Activation Blueprint: https://t.co/3pHSvjPoxy #wealth #selfimprovement…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

Wealth Activation Blueprint: https://t.co/3pHSvjPoxy #wealth #selfimprovement #selfdevelopment #manifesting… https://t.co/bmGJ8DfeZX

* This article was originally published here

The meaning of the Winter Solstice - https://t.co/JQTZbPS6sS #astrologer…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

The meaning of the Winter Solstice - https://t.co/JQTZbPS6sS #astrologer #energy #spirituality #selfdevelopment… https://t.co/Tf3xGHPyHn

* This article was originally published here

New Neuro-editing Technology For Ultimate Wealth Success

How I Battle Stress Over The Holidays

You're reading How I Battle Stress Over The Holidays, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

It’s that time of year again! Mostly holiday cheer…but for me that can also mean quite a lot of stress. Wrapping up all of my end-of-year to-dos, spending more money than I probably should and being pulled in a a million holiday party directions. It can be fun, but it can also be a lot. Factor in the stress of seeing family, for some, this can be added stress, anxiety and a flood of emotions. 

Earlier this year, I talked about my experimentation (after some pretty serious initial objections) with CBD. I was thrilled with how it affected the quality of my sleep! And now, over the past couple of weeks I have been trying a new product - Omax pure CBD tincture - to help combat my growing anxiety as the holidays approach. Much like my experience of improved sleep, I’ve been beyond surprised how effective this product has been to keep me calm and feeling light. 

Why I felt so comfortable choosing Omax’s CBD, is because of their process. First of all there is NO THC - so absolutely no high - just pure healing. They use the highest quality, Broad-spectrum Hemp CBD oil, blended with MCT oil and just a touch of organic blueberry. The results were fast, sustained and high effective. 

I am so impressed with my results, that I have decided to work with Omax again during this holiday emotional crunch to offer my audience a 50% DISCOUNT until the new year! Simply type code: PTB50 in to the promo code at checkout to receive your instant discount on your first order and give yourself the gift of a stress-free holiday!

And as always, I’d love to hear about your experience either in the comments below, email or DMs on social (@picthebrain everywhere)

Happy (chill) Holidays!

You've read How I Battle Stress Over The Holidays, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

* This article was originally published here

Mind Master - Improve your life & achieve your goals:…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

Mind Master - Improve your life & achieve your goals: https://t.co/qqV4jXCLGo #Mindpower #goals #selfimprovement… https://t.co/uWcK73cMMs

* This article was originally published here

Planetary news this week! Transition, expansion and adjustments -…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

Planetary news this week! Transition, expansion and adjustments - https://t.co/CFP7tBLm3U #selfdevelopment #angel… https://t.co/b7JvgHmyPb

* This article was originally published here

The Spiritual Parlour: https://t.co/2sQpT0wtzy #astrology #astro #forecast…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

The Spiritual Parlour: https://t.co/2sQpT0wtzy #astrology #astro #forecast #self #success #zodiac #aries #leo… https://t.co/vtYkehgTn6

* This article was originally published here

Ultimate Financial Abundance - Make The Law Of Attraction Work

Stephanie Barron - https://t.co/ZCgYXHrLav #motivationalquote #quotes…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

Stephanie Barron - https://t.co/ZCgYXHrLav #motivationalquote #quotes #lifechanging #inspirational #awareness… https://t.co/Jg5cOfcsp7

* This article was originally published here

Stop Saying You’re Busy

Productivity, it’s easier said than done. We’ve all heard that reluctant statement “I’ve just been so busy…” which generally is an indicator of one thing: being unorganized. It happens. Nobody is perfect. But it is an issue for those who constantly dream of a better life. Those who constantly talk about wanting to do something but yet never do it. Why? You guessed it, because they are “too busy.”

Breaking the Habit

Everything is generally easier said than done. Doing away with “I’m so busy” can not only change your outlook on everything but also impact how people view your ability to get things done.

1. Learn to Prioritize

There are plenty of ways to go about this but ultimately what we need to focus on here is what tasks are in a variable of urgent and important. One option to improve your productivity would be the Eisenhower Matrix. With this you can break your tasks into 4 quadrants. Quadrants 3 and 4 include things that, urgent or not, do not matter. Effective people spend their time in Quadrant 2, minimize their time spent in Quadrant 1.

You could also give Pareto’s principle, or the 80/20 Rule, a try. The Pareto Principle suggests that 20% of your activities will account for 80% of your results. You can find this rule rather often in business. For example:

• 20% of sales reps might generate 80% of total sales.

• 20% of your customers might account for 80% of your total profits.

In order to have this rule work, you might find yourself applying the matrix from above. You can also lean into something most everyone ignores, their gut. When you’re working on something stop and ask yourself “is this worth my time?” Your gut response will more than likely tell you what need to be doing instead. With time, you will gain experience and know exactly what you need to prioritize and work on before anything else.

2. It’s Time to Schedule

Once you know what it is that you need to work on, you then need to schedule it into your life. I personally live by my Google Calendar. I utilize Asana for tracking, which also syncs to my calendar. Anything and everything that needs to be done is essentially in a single location, Google Calendar. It also is in your favor to block out on your calendar what can be done in specific time blocks.

For example, maybe from 7a to 10a you handle P0 to P3 tasks (P being Priority). From 10a to 12p you knock out any low hanging tasks such as emails, phone calls, texts, etc. Call it your communication block. From 12p to 1p you take lunch, clear your mind. From 1p to 3p you knock out all P4-P10 tasks. From 3p-6p you do a sweep of anything and everything that might have come up throughout the day.

If it is a task that pertains to you and you can get it done AFTER all other necessary tasks are completed, then go for it. Another benefit of utilizing a schedule is people learn that your time is valuable, and in order to fit into your schedule they must be worth your while. Keep in mind to also block out ‘me time’ as rest and relaxation are most definitely a necessity in day-to-day productivity.

3. Saying ‘No’

Once you have determined a schedule you need to know what type of tasks pertain to you. If you are a pool cleaner you are not going to take jobs mowing yards just because you are in the same area. The same applies to everything else for everyone else. Know what tasks you are capable of completing and only accept those tasks, then fit them into your schedule accordingly. You have to hold yourself accountable to this so that you can make sure fire decisions on tasks as they come about. if you find yourself doing more low priority tasks you will quickly see high priority tasks build up. At that point you have to stop and tell yourself “I have chosen to focus on the wrong things, and I need to correct this decision.”

It’s Not Easy

Managing time is not easy, even the greatest leaders will have hiccups at some point. Shit happens, if you will, but you just have to stay focused and push through whatever it is that you know that needs to get done. Just keep in mind that saying “I’m busy” is just sugarcoated way of saying “I’m disorganized and have no idea what is going on.” Prioritize what is truly important, make time for people who truly matter, and understand that only you can control your time.

* This article was originally published here

The Hit List – Scraping bye - https://t.co/zm20yBGQzG #numbers #spiritual…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

The Hit List – Scraping bye - https://t.co/zm20yBGQzG #numbers #spiritual #awareness #forecast #prosperity… https://t.co/8gN8owoekn

* This article was originally published here

Happy New Year! - https://t.co/lFfv6WWYOJ #guidance #self #personaldevelopment…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

Happy New Year! - https://t.co/lFfv6WWYOJ #guidance #self #personaldevelopment #lifepath #psychic #spirituality… https://t.co/79pD43xNi3

* This article was originally published here

The Weight Loss Motivation Bible

Tarot Bytes Episode 156: Creating Your Own Tarot Spreads with Weston -…

Personal Development @selfimprovment

Tarot Bytes Episode 156: Creating Your Own Tarot Spreads with Weston - https://t.co/gSgG4WgwKJ #numerologist #2020… https://t.co/lkEdpjiiq8

* This article was originally published here

4 Deadly Traps for Your Motivation and How to Avoid Them

You're reading 4 Deadly Traps for Your Motivation and How to Avoid Them, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

So you have failed once again. You put your best efforts in changing your life through your attitude and self-love. You knew only YOU could have made a difference in your life. You owned yourself, your mistakes, and your future. And where it had landed you? In failure?! Again! But you were heading in the right direction, weren’t you? And you were motivated enough to take your life to next level. And now? You cannot move on, not with your own uncertainties fighting against you. You need a support and you have none. You are doubting would you ever be strong enough to control your destiny? Or are you destined to be a slave to your desires and people’s opinions about you? You know if you had courage to start the journey of self-improvement once, you have courage to complete it and continue it throughout your life. But before going further you need to understand factors which can keep you motivated or which can distract your attention from your goal. Below are some traps which kill your motivation and hidden behind them are ways which can help you protect, and nourish, your motivation.

Deadly trap for motivation # 1

Start alone. Starting alone has an upside and a downside. Upside is that by starting alone you will move quickly. In the process of loving yourself truly, even the upside of moving alone becomes downside. The more quickly you move, the shallower the effects you will gain from your quest to self-fulfillment. The downside to starting alone is that you lose motivation earlier than you would have if you had encouraging company. So if you want to keep your moral high during a major personality transition or any area of life, keep injecting motivation from your support circle.

Deadly trap for motivation # 2

So the tip to avoiding trap is to make friends. You may conclude from the above discussion that you should involve your current circle of friends to support you through the process. Here you let your motivation trip in the trap # 2. Remain with current social circle. Although maintaining a long-established friendship, or intimacy or family, bond is a sign of character strength, it may not help you in your quest for self improvement. Your current social circle knows about you, your weaknesses, and your past limitations to overcome these weaknesses. These people are the best resources for you to draw on information about your personality and what may work for you. However, this knowledge can be so strong and the perceptions of these people which stem from this knowledge is so limiting that they’ll keep reflecting themselves in the notes of encouragement and support you will receive from these people. Do you think the remark “you look a lot younger” will enhance your confidence in your formulated strategy when you know that you haven’t yet established half of your intended routine? Another devastating drawback of relying on such people is that they keep a number of false beliefs about you. You may have left the phase of life where you blamed others for your issues and they still think that phase is all upon you, till now.  What would follow? Their behavior will keep reminding you that part of past and hinder you from moving ahead. Do I mean that you should avoid your beloved friends and family to re-build yourself? No. All I say is to find newer friends with whom you share your journey of fulfillment. And cut chords (of emotional sabotage) with those who were previously creating your reality.

Deadly Trap for motivation # 3

Mostly, when we realize room for improvement within ourselves, we find that we need development in more than one area of our personality. The result is obvious. We try to mend all of these aspects with a swish of magic wand. And, surprisingly, we find that we are successful in developing all these traits with little effort. But does this really happen? After following a superb perfect routine for a week, or after enjoying a beautiful healthy figure for a few months, or remaining on top best performers at work for a set duration, we fall back to our comfort zone and feel lost. Does this happen to you too? If yes then you are also a victim of trap number three of motivation which is to start improving every trait immediately. Taking one step at a time keeps you motivated for a larger period of time. Remember to win race, steadiness follows only slowness.

Deadly trap for motivation # 4

So what should you do? You have many areas to improve and you don’t know which one to improve first. And you make a modest choice which drags your self-improvement regime into another trap, which is: Start with not-so-apparent trait. This trap would be an extension of the trap number 2. If we start from a habit which doesn’t make a visible effect soon, then we are sabotaging even little motivation we can get from our existing circle of support. You would start practicing your good habits and these habits would start making a difference in rather-hidden part of your life. But your peers, oblivious of these hidden improvements would keep reviewing your more obvious traits and telling you that your efforts are not worth the difference they are having on you. So if you want to get constant supply of motivation once you have taken the step to self-love, you need others to accept your commitment to your goal as early as possible. Give your loved ones chance to motivate you realistically by showing them your gains.

Wrap Up

What did you gather from the post? Do you think you are ready to re-start your journey towards self-fulfillment? Or need to recover from the motivation block you have recently encountered? Would it be nice to wait and waste next few weeks, months, even years of your life waiting for the right time? Or do you believe that life is what is happening right now. If you decide to start moving right now, which is the only right thing towards self-improvement, how would you warm up for the whole exercise? Share your own strategy in comments. Happy growing.

You've read 4 Deadly Traps for Your Motivation and How to Avoid Them, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

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