Saturday, February 29, 2020

Cole Haan BrandVoice: Changemakers: Transforming A Passion Into A Profession

Cole Haan BrandVoice: Changemakers: Transforming A Passion Into A Profession
Forbes and Cole Haan’s Changemakers program―the video explores Pritchett’s views on success and her career. Then, in a Q+A, Pritchett discusses how she’s learned to handle the pressure of her profession. Success is a moving object. I think success is measured by your own personal feeling of …

* This article was originally published here

How to Stay Motivated When Nothing is Happening

Motivation can be hard to come by when you’re not seeing the results you desire. The ability to intrinsically motivate yourself, or to persevere in spite of a lack of motivation is a valuable skill. Motivation is frequently in short supply, so learning how to manage yourself through this situation is important if you want […]

* This article was originally published here

Two Mindsets That Directly Impact The Success And Reward You Experience

Two Mindsets That Directly Impact The Success And Reward You Experience
In working with thousands of corporate and entrepreneurial professionals over the past 15 years, I’ve observed two very common negative mindsets that clearly impact professionals’ ability to achieve the financial reward and recognition they believe they want. Both of these mindsets—and underlying …

* This article was originally published here

I'm a financial planner, and I can tell you why so many people struggle with getting their spending under control

Personal Finance Insider writes about products, strategies, and tips to help you make smart decisions with your money. We may receive a small commission from our partners, but our reporting and recommendations are always independent and objective. Tired of struggling with a budget? Frustrated with …

* This article was originally published here

Top Ways to Keep Your Rules and Consequences Consistent for Your Child

Top Ways to Keep Your Rules and Consequences Consistent for Your Child
No matter which of the five main types of discipline you use, it won’t work if you aren’t consistent. Consistency is one of the more important keys …

* This article was originally published here

Common Habits of People With Persistent Financial Challenges

Most financial challenges aren’t solely due to unfortunate events. They usually have a foundation of poor financial habits. With effective habits, most financial challenges can be handled. With improper financial habits, even a modest unexpected expense can be devastating. While there are many negative financial habits one could be guilty of committing, there are a […]

* This article was originally published here

Friday, February 28, 2020

The Meditative Path to Changing Daily Habits

It’s natural for your brain to operate on autopilot sometimes. If you had to stop and think about each daily decision, it would be difficult to get much done. That’s one reason why habits are so important. Habits are also automatic, and repetition makes them stronger. As long as your habits contribute to your wellbeing, […]

* This article was originally published here

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Feeling Overwhelmed? Self-help author Paul Boynton says, “Join the Club!”

You're reading Feeling Overwhelmed? Self-help author Paul Boynton says, “Join the Club!”, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

As founder of the BEGIN WITH YES Facebook community with over two million followers and the author of several motivational books including my newest book, BE AMAZING, people automatically assume I have everything well under control. After all, I’m the expert! There’s no way I could ever feel overwhelmed, or ‘stuck’ or even the slightest bit stressed or off-kilter. I must meet my personal goals with ease and my dreams materialize with little or no effort. Understandably, people who are struggling mightily would welcome any and all easy answers from the motivational gurus of the universe who promise to lay out the roadmap to easily overcome life’s most challenging hurdles.

If that’s what you’re looking for in a mentor or self-help soldier, I hate to break it to you. That’s certainly not my life and it’s definitely not my day-to-day reality. Sure, if I had that magic bullet that would solve all the world’s problems, it would definitely help my book sales! But it just wouldn’t be the truth and let’s face it - that’s no help to either one of us. That being said, because I know what ‘overwhelming’ feels like and because it’s been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, I have learned some fairly easy strategies to get beyond it that I believe will work for you too.

So, first of all, join the club. You’re in good company! Acknowledging that things are on pause for you is a great place to begin the process of getting unstuck. The pause actually tells us that you have places you want to go and things you want to accomplish and I, for one, think that’s very good news.

And with that good news, let me share a few easy suggestions that will help and some attainable steps you can take to get the train running and back on-track again.

  1. Take a deep breath and acknowledge you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed. I like to remind myself that a GPS or navigation app on our phones can only help us get to a desired destination when first we establish a clear starting place. And your starting place is exactly where you are right now: overwhelmed.
  2. Now would be a good time to remember that feeling overwhelmed is a common feeling and especially so for folks who have things - often many things - they want to get done and many dreams they hope to make happen. That’s good news, so be sure to own what your mission is and then take another deep breath. And after that last calming breath, acknowledge that feeling overwhelmed is just that...a feeling. And because overwhelmed is just a feeling rather than an actual place, we can relax even more because feelings, after all, come and go, and this too, will pass.
  3. I have learned that it’s perfectly okay to sit for a while with the feelings we have. You do not have to solve or resolve that emotional traffic jam today. It’s important to keep it in perspective because you certainly don’t need the added pressure of trying to find a quick-fix. This will only accentuate your anxiety and exacerbate your frustration! So, cut

yourself some slack, and stop trying to push your way through it! Let it ebb and flow all

on its own.

  1. Now divert your attention to something more mundane. Make the bed, clean out that pesky junk drawer, take your dog for a walk, or meet a friend for a movie or coffee. Stop trying to make something big happen and instead, just do something small and easy for right now.
  2. When you’ve caught your breath for a moment, try to make a list of all the things you are trying to tackle at once. It could be a short list or a long one, but you’ll soon see that trying to do too much at once is a sure-fire way to short-circuit progress.
  3. Now it’s time to get focused. Choose one primary goal from your master list. Maybe it’s learning how to speak a new language or how to get a new job or write a book or make a move to a brand-new town. Make this your temporary focus. I totally understand that you have a lot of competing things that must get done or that you want to accomplish, but if you try to bake a cake WHILE folding the laundry AND driving to work...well, you get the point. Feeling overwhelmed soon dissipates when you learn to manage or regulate what you’re trying to accomplish. One-thing-at-a-time works much better than a-million-things-at-once.
  4. Now ask yourself, “What’s a small, realistic step I can actually take right now to make progress on whatever goal I’m focused on?” Then take that one, small step. Suddenly you’ll realize you’re moving again! And if it feels right, take another small step, and even another.
  5. Then, depending on what’s on your plate, turn your attention to another reasonable goal and repeat the same “think of a small step and take it” process. Now you’re actually making some real progress! Soon you will happily discover that the cake will get baked, the laundry will get folded and the drive to work can all happen - just not all at once.

Feeling overwhelmed is just like an emotional traffic jam. But with the right strategies in place, you’ll be able to implement some simple traffic controls and rewire your GPS to help you move forward in a logical, reasonable and manageable way.

Take it easy, be gentle with yourself, take plenty of breaths and don’t presume you’ll be able to learn that new language in a single day. Instead celebrate learning a new phrase or two, and then get started on that cake!

Paul S. Boynton is the author of several books including Amazon bestseller Begin with Yes, around which he has built an extraordinarily engaged audience of over two million followers. A true force of nature and popular keynote speaker, Paul is also President and CEO of The Moore Center, an organization serving people with intellectual disabilities. His writing has frequently been featured in the Huffington Post, the NH Business Review and The Good Men's Project. Paul has degrees in both social work and counseling. He lives with his partner, and their dog Toby in New Hampshire, and spends much of his free time visiting his three adult children and their families. Paul’s latest book, Be Amazing, is available online at Amazon.comBarnes&, and

You've read Feeling Overwhelmed? Self-help author Paul Boynton says, “Join the Club!”, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Darling, Please Follow Your Softness

To all the soft souls out there, I see you. I know it hasn’t been easy, because you think so much and feel so much. Your big, big heart always breaks faster than it heals. You think your guard is high but it never seems to be high enough.

You don’t understand why you have to be so complicated, so sensitive, so emotional. You wish you could be simpler, or perhaps exceptional in some obvious, superficial kind of way so people would overlook all the other ways you’re not so easy to love.

It’s rare for you to come anywhere close to love. But you can get attached rather easily, often to those who are not right for you, not ready for you, or not even enough for you. Your racing mind convinces you you’re the problem anyway. And so you suffer while others quickly move past you.

You beat yourself up for taking so long to move on, for trusting the wrong people, for having so much emotional need that it ruins your life. What you don’t realize is that it’s not an ordinary thing to be you. The very thing you believe to be faulty is the powerful gift you’ve got right where you are.

To be you, it takes courage, resilience, and endless strength. To be you, it takes a lot more reflection, understanding, and patience than being most others. So you’ve done really well.

Remember that not everyone thinks and cares as much as you do, not everyone loves as fiercely as you do, not everyone experiences life to the same intensity and meaningfulness as you do, not everyone takes pain as deeply and profoundly as you do, and yet you’re still here, loving, hoping, giving. How do you even do that?

You’re not meant for everyone, and you’re definitely not meant to please everyone. You’re here for all the people who need your softness, all the people who radiate the same kind of compassionate, loving energy you have, all the people who rely on your insight and wisdom to deal with their own mental complexity and all the chaotic emotions they don’t want to feel but have to feel anyway, just like you do. You’re here for the people who see you and your light.

In this materialistic world, it’s not obvious why being you is beautiful and powerful, but you can’t forget that it is.

To all the soft souls out there, it’s time to accept yourself for all the ways you are and you are not, for all your needs, no matter how big or small.

You can build a strong exterior to prevent yourself from getting hurt, but you will keep getting hurt if you don’t accept that you’re a soft, emotional, gentle being, and such a being can’t fit with just anyone. Such a being needs similarly strong, thoughtful, resilient people who have been through enough ups and downs to be able to appreciate your humane depth.

I know it’s disheartening to rarely come anywhere close to love, but connections are supposed to be rare. And for how rare it is, when you find it, it’ll be worth every effort.

Why are you settling? Why are you wasting time asking for love from the people who will never be able to meet your needs even if they want to? What are you shrinking yourself for? Be large. Be larger. Be you. You can never be anyone else as good as being yourself anyway, so stop denying your own gifts and start living authentically now.

Soft soul, I know the world seems to be a cold and lonely place sometimes, and you can feel so lost, but please have hope and faith in yourself, in your magical softness, especially when you’re in the dark. Don’t stop. Keep walking. Being you is always your best bet, and soon enough things will fall into their places when you keep showing up and putting in the work.

The hurt you’re carrying with you now might be overwhelming and devastating, but in times as you look back, you will understand why it has to happen. You will realize you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. You experience exactly what you’re meant to experience so you can tend to all your rough edges and grow into the person you’ve always envisioned yourself to be.

Don’t be scared. Stay strong.

Listen carefully to your wounds, all the open ones—they’re guiding you. Follow your softness—it will lead you to the right places and people, I promise.

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Why Should You Consider Taking Cold Showers?

Cold showers? That’s right. You should be taking cold showers every day. Sound nuts? You’re going to change your mind! A cold shower has a ton of benefits over a hot shower. It’s not easy to voluntarily stand in a cold stream of water, but it’s not as challenging as you might think. If you’ll […]

* This article was originally published here

Monday, February 24, 2020

Most Highly Successful People Share These Traits, According to a Johns Hopkins Psychology Professor

Most Highly Successful People Share These Traits, According to a Johns Hopkins Psychology Professor
Most Highly Successful People Share These Traits, According to a Johns Hopkins Psychology Professor After 45 years working with students who went on to greatness, here's what George S. Everly observed about them.

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, February 23, 2020

7 Simple Ways to Make Your Life More Productive

Time is the one factor that no one can beat. No one can create time. Everyone is limited to 24 hours each day. You can only make the most of the time you have each day. How well do you use your time? How much do you accomplish each day? Imagine how your life would […]

* This article was originally published here

Rory Mcilroy's Lifelong Coach Reveals His Unique 6 Step Golf Lesson

Klopp admits Liverpool success can put off potential transfers

Klopp admits Liverpool success can put off potential transfers
Jurgen Klopp believes that Liverpool’s success means they can now attract a completely different level of world star. But the Reds boss also admits …

* This article was originally published here

Monday, February 17, 2020

New NBA All-Star format a success in creating a more competitive game

What I'm Hearing: USA TODAY Sports' Mark Medina discusses the success of the new NBA All-Star format and we hear from Chris Paul who was instrumental in making it happen.

* This article was originally published here

Steve Jobs Knew Success Was All About Saying No. This Mental Trick Will Make You Much Better at It

Steve Jobs Knew Success Was All About Saying No. This Mental Trick Will Make You Much Better at It
Often we think the key to success is all the amazing things you do. But many successful people will tell you that's exactly backwards. The real magic is in what you say no to. Steve Jobs, for instance, believed "focusing is about saying no" and was famously ruthless about turning down even promising …

* This article was originally published here

How Do You Become An Effective Leader? Stay Humble

How Do You Become An Effective Leader? Stay Humble
How do people make the judgment that a leader is arrogant or humble? Arrogant leaders don't parade around with a badge indicating they are conceited. Yet, there is a high degree of consensus within organizations about who is humble and who is arrogant. The reality is that there are a set of very …

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, February 16, 2020

11 Soothing Habits to Chill Out Your Kids

You're reading 11 Soothing Habits to Chill Out Your Kids, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

Kids are whirlwinds of energy, but even little ones need downtime. Plus, children aren't immune to anxiety disorders. Today's driven lifestyles with schedules chock-full of structured activities can leave tiny minds frazzled. 

How can you help your child to relax? It's critical to teach them to self-soothe so that they develop healthy coping mechanisms as adults. As a parent, failing to teach your kids healthy ways to chill out can lead to behavioral issues and even addiction down the road. Instead, try these activities to help them calm down. 

1. Reward Downtime 

If you're a Type A personality yourself, you may think you're doing your child a favor by encouraging them to remain on the go always. You might even pat yourself on the back when they tumble into bed exhausted at day's end. However, you could set them up for a lifetime of health woes. People with this assertive, driven personality type run a higher risk of heart disease than more sedate Type Bs. 

Start rewarding downtime by engaging in some yourself. Establish a rule to turn off all devices and put homework away at least 30 minutes before bed. Use this time to draw, read stories or participate in other quiet activities. Celebrate this quiet time as something to look forward to each day. 

2. Weigh Them Down 

You might know that weighted "thunder vests" can comfort your puppy during noisy storms. However, did you realize the same principle applies to your children? A weighted blanket creates deep sensory pressure on joints and muscles. The pressure can stimulate the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that increases positive feelings. It's like giving them a full-body hug when they're too old to sleep with you. 

3. Get Them Organized

Children can grow overwhelmed when they reach school age. Suddenly, they need to keep track of multiple assignments and deadlines. It's a lot for little minds to handle, and if your child has perfectionist tendencies, they may stress over how to keep it all straight. Get them a planner and practice writing in it together. Each evening, help them to get their backpack prepared for the next school day. 

4. Use Doll or Puppet Play

Sometimes, younger children may struggle to communicate what is bothering them. You can use dolls or puppets to have them act out what's weighing on their minds. Let them reenact the events that caused their stress, and brainstorm ways that the "characters" can solve their problem. 

5. Take a Walk 

You know as an adult that sometimes it's better to walk away from a stressful situation than to escalate a conflict. Model this method of emotional regulation with your children. If your child threatens to meltdown, go for a walk around the block or to the local park. The physical exercise and outdoor air will eventually soothe them. 

6. Listen to Music 
As the cliché goes, music soothes the savage beast — and it can do the same for your little one. Put on your child's favorite music and invite them to dance around the living room with you. You can even find kid-friendly dance videos on YouTube, often for free. 

7. Dial Back the Schedule 
If your child has soccer on Monday, piano on Tuesday and art club on Wednesday, is it any wonder that they're exhausted? While it's understandable that you want to keep your child supervised, kids need unstructured play to develop both mentally and emotionally. Plus, you risk making them feel like they have no say or control over their lives when you structure every moment of their day. Allow time in your child's schedule to simply be. 

8. Read a Book 
Reading benefits your child's brain development, but it's also a potent self-soothing behavior. When your little one loses themselves in a story, they forget about their worries for a while. Encourage your child to read by taking them to the library and letting them select books that interest them. You can also suggest reads that reinforce healthy coping behaviors. 

9. Draw a Picture
Drawing and coloring can calm you down, and it can do the same for your children. If you've both had a stressful day, why not break out a stack of coloring books and a box of crayons? Sit down at your kitchen table, set a timer and color for 20-30 minutes. If your child prefers to draw, let them. Otherwise, the repetitive motion of coloring could inspire your little one to open up and discuss what's on their mind. 

10. Stretch Little Bodies
Did you know that not only is yoga safe for children, but it's also beneficial for developing bodies? When you present it in an age-appropriate way, it helps to counter the stress experienced in our hurry-up world. Using phrases like "stretch like a cat" engages their imagination and gets their bodies moving. 

11. Practice Guided Meditation

Children can benefit from meditation as much as adults. When 12 Thai boys became trapped in a cave with their football coach for 17 days, they survived the isolating darkness by using the practice. If you're not sure where to start, consider taking an online class or signing up for one at your community recreation center. Some schools now use yoga and meditation instead of detention to modify the behavior of unruly students. 

 Jennifer Landis is a mom, wife, passionate freelance writer, and the blogger behind Mindfulness Mama. Follow her on Twitter @JenniferELandis.

You've read 11 Soothing Habits to Chill Out Your Kids, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.

* This article was originally published here

Successful Change Management: 6 Surprising Reasons People Resist Change And How To Motivate Them To Embrace It Instead

Successful Change Management: 6 Surprising Reasons People Resist Change And How To Motivate Them To Embrace It Instead
Everyone knows change is hard and the most difficult part of any change effort is obtaining buy-in. Relatively speaking, it is often the change itself—new software, new organization charts or new work methodologies—that is the easiest to manage. The more difficult part of change is building buy-in, …

* This article was originally published here

What We Do With What We Know #Podcast

What We Do With What We Know #Podcast
In this week’s episode of the podcast, I discuss why it is imperative to move beyond a growth mindset; to create something meaningful with what we …

* This article was originally published here

8 problems that high achievers regularly face

8 problems that high achievers regularly face
High achievers have a lot of admirable qualities: they shoot for the stars, work extremely hard, and don’t quit until they’ve met their goals. …

* This article was originally published here

Workshop: how to define and measure the success of your design system?

This year, I’ve worked on several and I’ve learned a lot about how to get started and the mistakes to avoid…Today, we’re going to talk about defining …

* This article was originally published here

5 ways that successful people turn adversity into success

Humans have a fundamental need to avoid risk and overcome adversity for survival. We try our best to prevent failure, disappointments or uncomfortable situations, from dodging critical feedback at work to shielding our children from scraped knees. But falling down and learning from our mistakes can …

* This article was originally published here

5 habits that can help you build the self-confidence you need to win at life

5 habits that can help you build the self-confidence you need to win at life
Self-confidence is the difference between feeling unstoppable and feeling scared to try or do anything worthwhile. Some people exude self-confidence, …

* This article was originally published here

Norton: Top performers share their secrets of success

Norton: Top performers share their secrets of success
One myth about top performers in any field is that they tend to keep their secrets of success to themselves. Engaging in conversations with very …

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Problem With Personality & What You Should Consider Instead

The Problem With Personality & What You Should Consider Instead
We talk a lot about how personality and how it impacts decisions, relationships, and really how one moves through the world. But what if there was …

* This article was originally published here

5 Ways to Help You Get Through Depression

5 Ways to Help You Get Through Depression
If you’re like me and really into self-development, you’ve probably read many of the thousands of self-help books out there on the market. But also …

* This article was originally published here

Purpose=Value, Value=Profits

Purpose=Value, Value=Profits
In business, there are plenty of antiquated philosophies that trap people in pursuit of success. These myths can actually promote and create a consumerist and scarcity mindset with limited outcomes. Hard work combined with these erroneous philosophies come at a high cost; ruining health and …

* This article was originally published here

Aaj Ka Panchang, March 6, 2025: Celebrate, Reflect, and Transform this Phalguna Shukla Saptami

According to Panchang today, the seventh day of the bright lunar phase during Phalguna will arrive on March 6th, 2025, as an opportunity t...