Thursday, May 7, 2020

Dear God, Please Lead Me To Your Light

The world feels dark and heavy, weighing me down as I pray aimlessly to You. I feel lost and directionless, caught up in the endless trials of life outside of You. But within, I yearn for peace, longing for a sign of Your presence in my darkest moments. God, please lead me to Your light, illuminating a path towards the life You’ve created for me, drawing me towards You in a warm embrace.

God, please bring me back to You. I’ve seen myself drift away from You, feeling lost and lonely as I find myself straying further and further from Your touch. I’ve missed the otherworldly connection I feel with You, the serenity in surrendering all of my control, in remembering that only You truly know my path. I hope that You will guide me back to my faith in You, welcoming me into Your arms as though we’ve never been apart.

God, please remind me of Your presence. I’ve searched high and low for signs of You, sparks of care and compassion in this frightening world. I’ve forgotten to admire the beauty You’ve created, the mountaintops stark against clear skies, the moments of joy and laughter in the midst of great pain. I hope that You will show me that You remain in all things good, that You will forever live within me.

God, please light the way for me. I’ve seen the world around me shatter, watching a promising tomorrow cloud over into fear and uncertainty. I’ve prayed in hopes of reaching You, pleading with You to heal all of Your creation and restore my faith in You. I hope that amidst my trepidation, You will reveal answers one by one, shining Your light on me, paving the way for all of Your precious children to faithfully follow You.

God, I stand before You in these troubled times, knowing that You are with us but struggling to see Your plan amidst the chaos of this life. I’ve slowly drifted away from You, needlessly testing my own faith until I break away from Your unending love. But please, God, lead me to Your light—an undying faith in You, an unceasing hope for better days to come.

* This article was originally published here

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