If you’re having one of those days, weeks, months, or seasons that feels long, stressful, and draining, then you’re not alone. A lot of us are feeling overwhelmed these days. It’s kind of hard not to with the year it’s been. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, know that it’s okay to feel this way and understand that when you’re feeling all the emotions you’re feeling, you can find rest and turn everything over to God. He knows everything about you, how you’re feeling, what you’re going through, and He can carry what you can’t. Things won’t feel or remain this way forever. This too shall pass, even if and when it doesn’t feel like it. In time, things can and will change.
To all the essential workers sacrificing their lives and time, you are all rock stars. Thank you for all you are doing. It’s appreciated more than you may ever know.
To those working longer hours than normal, the work you do does not go unnoticed. You are appreciated and valued. Make sure you set aside some time for self-care when you can.
To those navigating unemployment, keep searching and applying and interviewing. Your persistence will pay off, just give it time.
To every single one of the hardworking parents and teachers and students navigating virtual and face-to-face learning, I know things have not been easy, but we’ll get through this together.
For the marriages that are being challenged, I pray that peace comes into your homes and that you remember what made you fall in love with the one you’re with in the first place. Focus on things that bring you joy. And try to be present so you don’t miss those happy in-between moments.
For those whose marriages are ending, I pray that you find peace and are kind and patient with yourself as you prepare to adjust to a new normal.
For those desiring, praying, and seeking relationships, don’t give up. Some things just take time.
For those who have lost loved ones during this time, I pray that God holds you close and that you find rest, comfort, and healing in His arms.
For those who have had opportunities put on hold, keep the faith. Delays are not denials.
And for those trying to move through what seems like a never-ending to-do list, just take things on one thing at a time. It’s okay if you don’t get it all done today.
Psalm 61:2 reads, “From the ends of the earth, I will cry to you for help, for my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety.”
God knows about all that’s happening and everything that each of us has going on in our lives, big and small. So when things feel heavy, turn to Him. He can handle it.
* This article was originally published here
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